There will be no changes to the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 match schedule for the coming weekend.
There will be no changes to the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 match schedule for the coming weekend.

No changes to Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 schedule


There will be no changes to the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 match schedule for the coming weekend. This has been confirmed by DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga following the cancellation of the match pitting the German national team against the Netherlands in Hannover.

The local security agencies will be making decisions on the necessary safety precautions and, to this end, will be consulting closely with the responsible state and federal authorities. As it is, the host clubs maintain close relations with the responsible government authorities ahead of all encounters to ensure an immediate response and the distribution of any relevant information in the interests the greatest possible safety.

"We have great confidence in the federal and state security authorities. On the one hand, we do not want to succumb to terror. Yet, on the other, top priority must be given to protecting human life," said Bundesliga president Dr. Reinhard Rauball.

The chairman of the conference of German state ministers for the interior, the Rhineland-Palatinate minister for the interior, Roger Lewentz, stressed that "our security agencies are in close contact with Deutsche Fußball Liga and the clubs. However, today I would like to expressly send out the following appeal to the fans: I know that many of them enjoy using pyrotechnics and firecrackers during matches. While I consider this to be a dubious pleasure even in the best of times, in the current situation, it would be nothing short of negligent. So, dear fans, please leave your pyrotechnics at home and help the police in this difficult security situation."

Says Hendrik Große Lefert, security officer of Deutscher Fußball-Bund (DFB): "We have established excellent security structures over the last few years. Thanks to the intensive collaboration with the security agencies, clubs are able to rely on fully functioning networks. Ahead of the upcoming match day, we will again be stressing the importance of paying particular attention to conducting a risk analysis. Whether and, if so, what precautions are necessary will be determined at the individual venues."