YvandroBorges Sanches
All goals of Yvandro Borges Sanches
Yvandro Borges Sanches Stats season 2024-2025
Yvandro Borges Sanches Last match
Yvandro Borges Sanches Career
Former clubs
Yvandro Borges Sanches Career stats
Yvandro Borges Sanches history
Yvandro Borges Sanches was born on 24 May 2004 in Luxemburg and plays for Borussia Mönchengladbach. He played for FC Blo-Wäiss Izeg from 2015-2015, for RFC Union Luxembourg from 2016-2020, for Borussia M'gladbach from 2020-2024, for Borussia M'gladbach SI-Team from 2022-2022, for NEC Nijmegen from 2024-2024 and has played for Borussia M'gladbach since 2024.
Current season 2024/25
The player with the shirt number 38 has not yet played a game in the 2024/25 season.
Last game
He was substituted in and played as a forward for a total of one minute in this game. In terms of total touches, he had two individual ball possessions. Furthermore, Yvandro Borges Sanches had three tackle challenges in the last match. Of these, he was able to win one. He covered a distance of 0.5 km during his total playing time in this game. In doing so, the 20-year-old had a total of three sprints.
Bundesliga career and records
Yvandro Borges Sanches has played six matches in the course of his career in the Bundesliga. Of these, he has won one. He has played all the matches of his career in the Bundesliga as a member of Borussia Mönchengladbach.