All goals of Luca Netz
Luca Netz Stats season 2024-2025
Luca Netz Last match
Luca Netz Career
Former clubs
Luca Netz Career stats
Luca Netz history
Luca Netz was born on 15 May 2003 in Berlin and plays for Borussia Mönchengladbach. He played for FSV Bernau from 2009-2010, for Hertha BSC from 2010-2021 and has played for Borussia M'gladbach since 2021.
Current season 2024/25
In seven of the previous 10 games of the season, the player with the shirt number 20 was in the starting line-up. Of these 10 games, he won 4 with his club. Additionally, he was substituted in for three games.
Last game
The 1.84m-tall defender played his last game on the 17th matchday of the 2024/25 season (14 January 2025). Playing for Borussia M'gladbach, he lost to VfL Wolfsburg 1-5. He was in the starting line-up in this game and played as a defender for 70 minutes. In terms of total touches, he had 57 individual ball possessions. Furthermore, he had 11 tackle challenges in the last match. Of these, Luca Netz was able to win seven. He was additionally able to make 36 successful passes. He covered a distance of 8.4 km during his total playing time in this game. In doing so, he ran, like no other player in his club, a total of 30 sprints.
Bundesliga career and records
The 21-year-old has played 95 matches throughout the course of his career in the Bundesliga. Of these, he has won 30. He has netted two goals during his appointments in the Bundesliga. Thus far, he has completed 84 matches with his current squad. Here, he has scored a total of one goal.